Outi Jousi
Outi Jousi
Outi Jousi heads Hannes Snellman's Public Procurement Practice in Helsinki and works within our Technology & Data and Public Procurement Teams.
Outi specialises in complex questions relating to public procurement and technology giving practical advice to parties in projects both in the public and private sectors. Her focus areas include market entry, tendering competitions, regulation compliance, procurement related disputes and negotiations and M&A-related procurement questions. Outi also assists clients in matters relating to administrative proceedings and health care related questions and is active in Hannes Snellman's ESG Group. Prior to joining Hannes Snellman, Outi worked for another Finnish law firm and as an in-house counsel for government public procurement body Hansel.
Outi is the president of the Finnish Public Procurement Association. She regularly arranges seminars and conferences and writes practical blog posts on public procurement and technology related questions.
Outi gets the biggest thank you for her speed, clarity, and initiative. She is a gem.
Data Privacy & Protection | Client Choice 2024
Counsel to multinational player specializing in medical devices and healthcare.

Outi Jousi

Jesper Nevalainen

Annika Tiitola
Counsel to Inscripta, provider of speech recognition technology, in market court proceedings.

Outi Jousi
Counsel to Mölnlycke Health Care in public procurement.

Outi Jousi

Annika Tiitola
Counsel to supplier of social services in a dispute against a public entity.

Anna-Maria Tamminen

Outi Jousi
Counsel to Siemens Mobility in public procurement.

Outi Jousi

Annika Tiitola
Counsel to Linde in public procurement.

Outi Jousi
Counsel to Dell Technologies in public sector ICT procurement.

Outi Jousi
Counsel to Axel Health in public sector ICT procurement.

Outi Jousi
Counsel to Takeda in public procurement.

Outi Jousi

Annika Tiitola
Gasgrid Finland Oy, Excelerate Energy
Gasgrid Finland Oy's chartering of an LNG Floating Storage and Regasification Unit from Excelerate Energy.
Deal Value:
EUR 460 million
Counsel to Gasgrid Finland Oy

Rabbe Sittnikow

Santeri Jääskeläinen

Heikki Majamaa

Mikko Huimala

Päivi Tammilehto

Outi Jousi

Annika Tiitola

Klaus Metsä-Simola

Jesper Nevalainen

Lasse Riski

Anniina Hämäläinen

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Anna Nyberg
Counsel to Finnish Customs in the public procurement of bitcoin brokerage services. The assignment is related to the Finnish Government’s decision to sell the Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies seized by Finnish Customs and allocate a significant share of the additional revenue to support Ukraine in the current war.

Outi Jousi

Jesper Nevalainen

Anna Mäkinen

Jari Tukiainen

Antti Kuha

Stefan Stellato
LähiTapiola Yhteiskuntakiinteistöt Suomi Ky, Espoo Hospital
Counsel to LähiTapiola Yhteiskuntakiinteistöt Suomi Ky in the acquisition of Espoo Hospital.
Deal Value
EUR 300 million
Counsel to LähiTapiola Yhteiskuntakiinteistöt Suomi Ky

Matti Lajunen

Rauli Elenius

Outi Jousi
Basware Corporation (target), a consortium consisting of Accel-KKR, Long Path Partners, and Briarwood Chase Management (buyer)
Counsel to the offeror consortium of Accel-KKR, Long Path Partners, and Briarwood Chase Management in the tender offer for all outstanding securities in Basware Corporation.
Deal Value
EUR 620 million
Counsel to the consortium

Klaus Ilmonen

Tommi Kovero

Aki Salmela

Robert Gordin

Linnea Lehtonen

Roope Sevón

Heikki Vesikansa

Harri Vehviläinen

Sofia Ropo

Mikko Huimala

Markus Bremer

Pauliina Sutinen

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Anna Nyberg

Outi Jousi

Annika Tiitola

Axel Hård af Segerstad
Telia Finland (Seller) and AddSecure (Buyer)
Telia Finland’s divestment of Telia Alerta business to AddSecure
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to Seller/Telia Finland

Tuire Kuronen

Agda Vähä-Piikkiö

Riikka Kuha

Mikko Huimala

Outi Jousi
Counsel to IBM on public procurement.

Outi Jousi
Counsel to Business Finland in public procurement of Business Finland Connection, a solution incorporating artificial intelligence, semantic search algorithms, and machine learning.

Outi Jousi

Jesper Nevalainen
Counsel to The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) in public procurement.
Tieto Corporation, EVRY ASA
The combination of Tieto and EVRY through a cross-border merger
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to EVRY ASA

Klaus Ilmonen

Riikka Kuha

Stefan Stellato
Counsel in strategic public procurement to Finavia Oyj, which maintains and developes all Finnish airports.

Outi Jousi

Jesper Nevalainen

Johanna Haltia-Tapio
Counsel to Finland’s national service center for counties, Vimana Oy, in assessment of Vimana’s function and operations concerning public procurement and competition law.
Nordic Packaging and Container Holdings (Seller), Mondi Group (Buyer), Powerflute Group Holdings Oy (Target)
Nordic Packaging and Container Holdings' sale of Powerflute Group Holdings Oy to a division of Mondi Group
Deal Value
Enterprise value of EUR 365 million
Counsel to Nordic Packaging and Container Holdings (NPAC Holdings)

Mikko Heinonen

Jesper Nevalainen

Outi Jousi

Antti Kuha
Counsel to a significant IT service provider in a novel agile development project. The advice included strategic advice as well as contract drafting and negotiations.
Counsel to Greek government officials in public procurement of agile projects.
Counsel to Sodexo Oy in public procurement.
- "Outi Jousi enjoys a stellar reputation in the market advising clients on tendering competitions, compliance, and procurement-related disputes. One source says, "She is a great person to work with.", Government, Who's Who Legal, 2024
- "Outi Jousi is exceptional in her customer service and service attitude. Her reaction speed and accuracy are unparalleled. Her expertise is top-notch, and I consider her one of the most talented public procurement specialists currently. And best of all – her impeccable sense of style and humour. Outi takes one opportunity after another with great ease and makes others shine as well.", EU and Competition, Legal 500, 2024
- Ranked as exclusive winner of the 2024 Client Choice Data Privacy & Protection category in Finland. Clients have described Outi as follows: 'Outi is particularly talented at clarifying complex questions in plain language and finding the "steak" in them.', 'Outi Jousi doesn't skimp on unnecessary things, but is issue-oriented and snappy, which customers like.', 'Outi seems to be on a good mood day after day and I love her humour!', 'Outi Jousi gets the biggest thank you for her speed, clarity, and initiative. She is a gem.'
- Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards 2023: Highly Commended. “The firm helped Finnish customs authorities to conduct a public auction of bitcoin, then worth about €70mn, seized from illegal drug dealers. Funds of about $47mn raised by sale in 2022 were donated to the Ukrainian government.”
- "It has been a true pleasure to work with Outi Jousi for some time now. She is something! Absolutely the best public procurement lawyer I have ever worked with. She is a true “Speedy Gonzales” – always answers before you expect anything. She follows what is going on (news etc.) and she is looking at things from a very wide perspective. When I need a “mirror” on my own conclusions – she is the first and only one I call – since I can count on her opinions to be deeply well founded views! Super kind, fun to be around – and her mind is sharp as a knife! 5-star lawyer.", EU and Competition, Legal 500, 2023
- According to a client, Outi is 'an expert in procurement law and agile ICT contracts.' Another client says: 'Outi Jousi and Jesper Nevalainen worked as a team in our assignment. Their high quality performance is based on their high level expertise. They are experts in various kinds of legal technological challenges. We can trust that every significant detail will be thoroughly considered and solved.', TMT, Legal 500, 2020
- Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards 2017: Commended (*=rankings from prior to joining Hannes Snellman)
Memberships and Positions of Trust
- Member of the Finnish Bar Association
- President of the Finnish Public Procurement Association, 2020–
- Finnish Public Procurement Association, Member of the Board, 2018–
- Finnish Public Procurement Association, Vice Member of the Board, 2017–2018
- Member of the Government Information Security Management Board VAHTI’s Working Groups
- Member of the Finnish IT Law Association
- Member of the Finnish Competition Law Association
- Member of Agile Finland, arranger of pro bono seminars for product owners, 2014–
- Member of Finnish Fashion Law Association
- Member of ITechLaw
- “Important In-House Procurement Case Affecting Finnish Market”, European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Volume 19, Issue 3 (2024)
- IPR Rights in Public Procurement, presentation May 2024
- Miten saadaan parempia tarjouskilpailuja? Koodia Suomesta, 2023
- Työoikeudellisia kysymyksiä julkisissa hankinnoissa: milloin kyse voi olla liikkeenluovutuksesta ja mikä on työllistämisehdon suhde työnantajan takaisinottovelvollisuuteen?, Edilex, 2023
- Kartellivalvontaa julkisissa hankinnoissa, Edilex, 2023
- Tietosuoja-asetus huomioitava myös julkisissa hankinnoissa, Edilex, 2017
Education and Professional Background
- Specialist Partner, Hannes Snellman, 2025–
- Counsel, Hannes Snellman, 2017–2025
- Bird & Bird Attorneys Ltd, 2016–2017
- Hansel Oy, 2008–2016
- Mutual Insurance Company Pension Fennia, 2007–2008
- PerkinElmer Life Sciences Inc, 2000–2001
- Master of Laws, University of Turku
- Bachelor of Business Administration (software engineering), Turku University of Applied Sciences