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Joakim Frände’s Article in Hufvudstadsbladet

27 October 2020

Counsel Joakim Frände of our Tax Practice has written an article entitled "Gör det nuvarande rättelseförfarandet för beskattning snabbare och smidigare". The article was published in Swedish in Hufvudstadsbladet on October 23, 2020.

In his article, Joakim addresses the issue of unreasonable processing times in cases where the Tax Administration has made an error in a natural persons tax decision and the individual has to turn to the Tax Administrations Adjustment Board. The article presents solutions, both legislative and practical, to improve taxpayers legal protection. Establishing short and fixed process times would improve taxpayers legal protection. It is also strongly recommended, if possible, to apply for a preliminary ruling before taking measures that have tax consequences.