Lauri Lehmusoja as a Speaker at the 18th Annual Tax Planning Strategies U.S. and Europe Conference
11 April 2018
Counsel Lauri Lehmusoja will participate as a speaker in the 18th Annual Tax Planning Strategies U.S. and Europe Conference to be held in Amsterdam on 12-13 April. The conference is organised by the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association.
You can hear Lauri’s views on the panel discussion topic ‘The Impact and Boundaries of the New Treaty Anti-Abuse Provisions’. With the Multilateral Convention signed by more than 70 countries in June last year, it will only be a matter of time before thousands of tax treaties include new anti-abuse provisions in the form of a principle purpose test, a limitation on benefits test, or a combination thereof. The panel will discuss the possible impact of these new provisions, the interaction and (in)consistency with domestic general anti-avoidance rules and doctrines and specific anti-avoidance rules, the relevance of (economic) substance at a group/company level, and the possible boundaries set by EU law and by general principles of international law.
For the full conference programme, please click here.
Lauri Lehmusoja, Counsel | Tax