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Get to Know Us | Liisa Veckman, Senior Legal Assistant, Finance, Helsinki

18 June 2018

When did your career at Hannes Snellman begin?

I started at Hannes Snellman in January 2002, in other words, a little more than 16 years ago.  I can’t believe how quickly the years have passed!

How would you describe your typical working day?

There is no such thing as a typical working day, since my working days vary a lot. There are certain elements that do not change: invoicing, travel and expense claims, meeting and restaurant reservations, and group-specific administrative tasks (hour reporting, keeping holiday records, etc.), as I am our team leader’s assistant.  My work involves anything and everything from the opening of a matter up until the closing of the matter and from the preparation of an offer all the way until the post-closing measures. In addition to these, it is also my job to arrange different kinds of meetings and events and to induct new employees. As an assistant, it is important to have a “can-do” attitude.

How would you describe your team?

I am working in the Finance team, and besides the work itself, the best thing about my work is the team.  Our team has gone through a lot of changes over the years, but some things have always remained the same: nice and smart people and a good team spirit.

What is the best part of your job, and what could still be improved?

Client satisfaction is the starting point of everything. The most important task of an assistant is to help lawyers do their work as well as possible, in other words, to make sure that the requested tasks are done well and on time. Knowing the processes and your working partner’s way of working helps you achieve this. Even in a hurry, you can always turn to your colleagues for help. After all these years, there are still new things to be learnt, internal and external processes keep changing, information technology keeps developing, and new software is constantly being launched, but going forward is only a good thing.

How would you describe the Hannes Snellman culture?

For a person who has been working here for years, Hannes Snellman feels like a team in which everybody, from the support personnel to partners, are playing the same game and have the same goal in sight, i.e. fulfilling the client’s needs in a best possible way. This includes treating all employees as valuable members of the work community. Everybody brings in their own contribution in order for things to run smoothly and to offer high standard of quality.


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