Colleague to Colleague: Axel and Wilhelm
1 October 2021
Axel Hård af Segerstad and Wilhelm Sanmark both started as associate lawyers in our IP & Technology Team on the same day in June 2021. Now when they have been working in the same team for a couple of months and have gotten to know each other, we asked them to describe each other as colleagues.
A Great Collaborator
In my opinion, what makes the collaboration with Wilhelm great is the fact that we started our professional careers in the same team at the same time wherefore we can share all our experiences with a low threshold and also otherwise support each other in the work we do, no matter what the issue at stake is. We have had several more or less spontaneous calls about legal issues we work or have worked on. Wilhelm is a great colleague and a good friend, and of course, an important part of our team. One thing that I value highly is that Wilhelm is a true team player who approaches tasks with a productive, yet analytical mindset.
Exceptional Colleague and a Dear Friend
Axel is my go-to colleague whenever I am in need of peer support or simply a second opinion on something. Especially during the summer months, when we had a smaller team on duty, Axel's aid and expertise was of immeasurable value for me. His strengths include being meticulous, patient, and helpful. His good qualities complement mine, which makes us a good team. One plus one is more than two when collaborating with Axel. Starting together in June meant that we got to know each other right off the bat. We were acquaintances from before, but I am now glad to be able to call him a dear friend.